Archive for February, 2007

Letter from Marilyn – February 2007

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Marilyn Glenville PhDDear Reader,

It was wonderful to get so much positive feedback from the sample issue of Natural News for Women and I am really pleased that you found it enjoyable and informative. One woman emailed to say that she had enjoyed it so much she had passed it on to her daughter and wanted to order another copy for herself!

I received over one thousand suggestions for topics to be included and have decided that each issue will contain articles relevant to the menopause, fertility, weight, diet and supplements.

Also coming up will be articles on all your other suggestions including breast health, thyroid function, digestive problems, children’s health and diet, liver function, cancer, immune boosting, healthy toiletries and cosmetics and much more.

This is very much your Natural News so do send in your letters to go on a Letters page. Any humorous stories or cartoons that you see are welcomed, as it is important to have a lighter side to life too.

Over time there will also a ‘What Works’ section for you to send in your success stories on topics that you think will interest other women and books that you have found valuable.

I am very excited about Natural News and being able to share with you nutritional and health information that can make such a difference in your life and those around you.

Kind regards,
Marilyn Glenville PhD

Marilyn Glenville PhD

P.S. Special thanks this month to Kerry Ingham for her original cartoons (

In the News: Trick Your Tummy into Feeling Full

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

In the News: Calling a snack a meal helps you eat lessBeat your appetite by swapping classic snacks such as mid afternoon biscuits for foods that feel more like a meal.

Researchers at State University of New York in Buffalo, US, found that people who viewed their afternoon treat as a snack ate 87% more food for their evening meal than those who ate the same food at the same time, but labelled it a meal.

Try these swaps to trick your tummy into feeling fuller: have half a pitta with hummous and salad rather than a pot of yogurt or try a slice of toast with scrambled egg instead of a handful of nuts and seeds.

In the News: A Healthy Diet Helps Kids’ Behaviour

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

In the News: Healthy diets help kid's behaviourChildren with behaviour difficulties and learning problems behaved better after they were offered healthier school meals and fish oil supplements, a new study has found.

It’s the latest evidence that children’s diet does affect their behaviour. In the new research 28 pupils aged 10 to 16 at the Norfolk County Council special school in Norwich were studied for six months. The pupils were offered healthier meals which contained less sugar and salt and fewer transfats, preservatives and additives and were also encouraged to take supplements containing omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids.

The children’s behaviour improved dramatically compared with the previous six months. (A good liquid children’s fish oil is called OmegaBerry and as the name suggests contains fish oil and berries which gives it a pleasant taste. Many children can’t or won’t take capsules and liquids usually taste so bad children won’t swallow them – for details call 01892 507598.)