Archive for March, 2007

10 Top Tips to Get Your 5-a-Day

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Stir-fries: a quick and tasty way to increase your vegetable intake

  1. Chop up some carrots, peppers and/or cucumber and keep it in the fridge for when you feel hungry. If you have some hummous dip your crudités in it!
  2. Always have a store cupboard full of tinned vegetables and fruit such as chopped tomatoes, baked beans (sugar free), peaches and grapefruit. Buy tinned fruit in its own fruit juice as this is a better choice than the ones in syrup.
  3. If you like dried fruit keep raisins, prunes and apricots in your kitchen. You can also use them to stuff an eating apple and bake in the oven.
  4. If you are in a rush and have to resort to a ready meal, add some steamed vegetables or salad to the meal to balance it out. Try to have a piece of fresh fruit for dessert.
  5. Quick food needn’t be unhealthy food; stir-fries are an excellent way to increase the amount of vegetables you eat.
  6. Try making a list of meal ideas and a shopping list for the week, keeping in mind which days you’ll have time to cook from scratch and which days you may want something easier to assemble. You will be amazed how much easier it is to achieve your five-a-day as you’ve planned in advance your week’s fruit and vegetable intake.
  7. Use pulses. One portion of your five-a-day can come from pulses such as lentils, baked beans or peas. You can buy organic frozen peas and also organic tinned kidney beans.
  8. Smoothies: unlike juices smoothies count toward your 5-a-day because they contain the whole fruitGot some fruit lying around? Make a smoothie! Bananas are an excellent base for a smoothie, but any fruit will do. Add organic soya, rice or oat milk and use a blender to whiz it all up. A 12 ounce glass of banana and apple smoothie equals two servings of fruit – an easy and delicious way to add produce to your diet.
  9. Have you ever had bored children at home wanting to do something in the school holidays? Why not get them involved in the kitchen, ask them to help you with something fun like baking a fruit cake or making a dessert such as a fruit crumble. Eating the end product together is great fun.
  10. Choose meals that are packed with veggies and desserts that are fruit based. Craving soup for dinner? Choose a chunky vegetable stew. Is pasta on the menu tonight? Remember that tomato-based spaghetti sauce counts as a vegetable. Having pizza for lunch? Buy one with added mushrooms, green peppers and onions; then add your own broccoli when you get home. Craving something sweet for dessert? A baked apple with honey is delicious. Unsweetened organic live yoghurt mixed with fruit (or a spoonful of pure fruit jam – no sugar) is a sweet, creamy, satisfying, nutritious and light alternative to sugary, fatty cakes and desserts that will weigh you down.

Toxin-free Living: 12 Ways to Protect Yourself

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Peace Lillies: one of the 6 plants shown by NASA to naturally purify your airStudies show that there is a clear link between environmental toxins and poor health so it makes sense to avoid possible sources of contamination. Toxins can be absorbed through your skin, they are also in the air you breathe and the food that you eat and drink. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to protect your health and the health of your family.

First of all pay attention to your diet. Drink lots of filtered or mineral water, avoid foods high in fat, salt, sugar, additives and preservatives and increase your intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Second, see if your home or work places exposes you to obvious toxins that you can avoid, such as cigarette smoke, and then look out for these other 10 possibilities:

  • Many perfumes and scented products, like air fresheners, contain worrying chemicals (such as “artificial musks”). Check toiletries and cosmetics. Be especially wary of the aluminium in deodorants. Use natural cosmetic products and deodorants instead as scientists are currently investigating links between deodorants and breast cancer. Most firms keep their ingredients secret, writing “parfum” on the label instead. Why not cut down on one or two scented products? Treat your pets or your house with natural herbal sprays or garlic or, better still, open a window instead of spraying air-freshener.
  • Be careful with cosmetics: toxins can pass into your bloodstreamThe same goes for make up, moisturisers and other cosmetics as chemicals can get into our skin and be absorbed into the bloodstream. Explore your local health store or reputable online health sites and see what natural alternatives are out there. Tampons, especially super absorbent ones, may dry the vagina — making the transfer of toxins into the vagina easier. Best to use towels instead and if you do use tampons make sure you change them every four hours. Some studies have found that the only type of tampons that do not produce toxins are the 100 per cent cotton ones.
  • Minimise the amount of chemicals you use in your home such as polish, bleach, detergents and air fresheners. Try to buy natural products or use tried and tested cleaners like white vinegar and lemon for stain removal, chemical free liquid soaps and detergents.
  • See green. At least once a day try to take a stroll in a park or green place. Trees give out energizing oxygen. It’s also a good idea to have plants in your home and workplace. NASA research has shown that the following plants can extract fumes, chemicals and smoke from the air: peace lilies, dwarf banana plants, spider plants, weeping figs, geraniums, and chrysanthemums.
  • Refuse and, when possible, replace mercury containing dental filings with non toxic ones. There are also high levels of mercury in tuna fish so keep your intake down to three or four times a week.
  • Devices that emit electromagnetic radiation such as computer screens, mobiles, and microwaves should be used with caution and as far away from the bedroom as possible as preliminary research suggests they could have negative effects on health. Buy battery operated clocks and radios and unplug electrical sockets before you go to bed. Limit your time spent at computer screens as some research suggests it can increase the risk of miscarriage. Take regular breaks, around five minutes every half an hour and switch the screen off rather than using the screensaver.
  • Many household paints give off dangerous fumes as they dry. Water based paints are better because they contain fewer “volatile organic compounds” (or VOCs). Use water based paints where possible.
  • Toys made from PVC plastic can contain softeners called phthalates which are suspected hormone disrupters. Ask for PVC-free toys in the shop. (By law, new teething toys should now be free from phthalates).
  • Bottles and Beakers. Plastic baby bottles, beakers and tableware made from polycarbonate can leak potentially risky chemicals when worn or scratched. Replace battered or scratched plastic utensils with new ones.
  • Check chemicals at work. Carbon disulphide used in several chemical manufacturing processes such as the production of plastics has been linked to hormonal imbalance. Many pesticides and herbicides are known reproductive toxins. People working in gardens, parks, plant nurseries and farms are at risk. Exposure to heavy metals (traffic fumes) to solvents (dry cleaning, lab stag) and to glycol ethers used by electronics manufacturing firms have also been linked to fertility problems.

Lions Cartoon (click to enlarge)

10 Ways to Lift Your Child’s Mood

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Good nutrition is a great foundation for a happy childhoodWith the latest research suggesting that depression among children and teenagers as well as obesity is on the increase here are some natural ways to help lift your child’s mood; and keep them fit and happy at the same time.

  1. Set a good example and eat fresh, healthy food yourself: Children are born copy cats and learn from example. If you eat a healthy diet rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains your child will follow your example and get all the nutrients he or she needs to feel healthy and reach his or her full growth potential.
  2. Decide on a bedtime and stick to it; even at weekends. Sleep patterns vary by age and the individual child, but most kids need an average of 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. Sleep gives growing bodies and brains the rest they need to develop and function properly.
  3. Don’t give your kids ‘unlimited’ pocket money. They are likely to spend it on sweets and junk food that will send their blood sugar levels soaring and their mood plummeting. Sugar creates imbalances in energy that can contribute to erratic behaviour and mood changes. Sweets, chocolates, cakes, biscuits, some breakfast cereals, soft drinks, puddings and many other foods all contain sugar in one of its many forms. When checking labels, look out for sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, inverted sugar syrup, golden syrup, corn syrup and treacle. Also check for additives — artificial colourings, sweeteners, preservatives and flavourings can all contribute to adverse behaviour, particularly the orange colouring tartrazine (E102) found in some orange squashes and sweets. So avoid giving your child processed foods and opt instead for natural and sugar-free alternatives.
  4. Omega 3 Fish Oils: from food or supplements, have been proven to improve brain functionGive them omega 3 fish oils: Found in oily fish, nuts and seeds and absolutely essential for your child’s mood and wellbeing. Study after study has confirmed their beneficial effect on brain function. If they won’t eat oily fish then a supplement can be useful. As most children are not happy to swallow capsules or take liquids which taste of fish oil, then two good fish oil supplements for children are OmegaBerry and LipoCell as they are liquid and fruit flavoured (For details call the Natural Health Practice on 0845 88 00 915 – overseas +44 (0) 1892 507598).
  5. Don’t forget snacks: Children need regular nibbles to keep their blood sugar levels steady and to prevent dips in mood followed by cravings for unhealthy food. Good ideas are seeds, sugar-free cereal, fruit, raw veggies in dips, oat cakes, rice cakes and whole grain sandwiches.
  6. Make sure they eat breakfast: Research shows that children who eat a healthy breakfast perform far better at school, have better concentration and a more positive attitude.
  7. Increase their intake of fruits and veg: Rather than letting your child fill up on junk food, give them whole, nutritious food to eat. White bread, rice and pasta have the nutrients stripped out, so opt instead for wholemeal varieties, which are also more filling and contain fibre to encourage healthy digestion. Ensure too that their diet is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables which provide vitamins and minerals essential to support their health while they are growing. Some children may be reluctant to swap the sweets for an apple, but if you hold firm, often their sweet tooth will recede. Also use your imagination to make fresh food more exciting — tempt them with bite-size snacks of cherry tomatoes or grapes, baked apples or bananas with sultanas, served with organic plain live yogurt, cut vegetables in fun shapes to eat with dips, or pureé and ‘disguise’ them in sauces and soups. For children who are used to a diet of processed food such as chicken nuggets or fish fingers, it may help to switch across first to a home made equivalent such as fish cakes and then gradually introduce more vegetables into the mix e.g. fish and broccoli cakes, etc. That way their taste buds gradually adjust to natural vegetable flavours.
  8. Make sure they get enough exercise: Because obesity is a growing problem in kids and weight gain is linked to low self esteem, parents should make sure that their children exercise regularly, as well as receive proper nutrition. Bicycling, hiking, in-line skating, sports, or any enjoyable activity that will motivate your kid to get moving will promote good health and fitness and help your child maintain a healthy weight.
  9. Set limits on television, computer and Play Station time: Too much screen time encourages inactivity and poor communication. Encourage active, unstructured play instead to keep your child’s body and mind lifted.
  10. Talk: However busy your day, make sure you find the time to talk to your child; ideally this should be at mealtimes. Children thrive when parents show an interest in what they have to say. If you’ve got a teenager who is unwilling to open up don’t ever stop trying; deep down every teen still craves attention.