Archive for May, 2007

Ask Marilyn: dry, itchy skin on face & hands?

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Ask MarilynQ: I keep getting dry, itchy and sore skin on my face, around my lips and on my hands. What can I do?

A: You need to rehydrate your skin and keep it that way. Use moisturisers containing cocoa or shea butter which are great for use on the hands and elbows. Always use a lip balm containing soothing aloe vera, apply calendula cream to painful areas and keep yourself hydrated with six large glasses of water a day.

You might be reacting to something you are eating so keep a diary to see if there is a food trigger. You can also do a mini detox over two weeks by avoiding wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar and caffeine and adding in the herb milk thistle to improve liver function. Adding in a good Omega 3 oil supplement like fish oil, not cod liver oil, could be really helpful as the dryness could be an indication of an essential fatty acid deficiency.

Ingredient Spotlight: Dates

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Dates are naturally sweet and make a good alternative to biscuitsDates are one of those foods that in the UK are often only thought about at Christmas, but that is a shame. It is the date palm that produces the edible fruit which has been a staple food in the Middle East for thousands of years.

In 2003, an article was published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition entitled ‘The fruit of the date palm: its possible use as the best food for the future?‘. This article was extolling the health benefits of dates stating that they contain at least 15 minerals including calcium, selenium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium. Dates also contain 23 types of amino acids, some of which are not present in other fruits such as oranges, apples and bananas.

Dates are also rich in natural fibre including pectin which has important health benefits such as controlling high cholesterol. Dates also contain a high percentage of natural sugars so do eat them in moderation when you are aiming to lose weight but they may help to satisfy a sugar craving and are much better than going for the chocolate bar or biscuits.

The article finished by saying ‘In many ways, dates may be considered as an almost ideal food, providing a wide range of essential nutrients and potential health benefits’.

Monthly Meal Idea: Date Slice

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Date slice: a quick and delicous snack cooked in 40 minutesIngredients: 

  • 700g (1.5lbs) organic dates, stoned and roughly chopped
  • 1.0 litre (38fl oz) organic porridge oats
  • 500ml (18fl oz) organic wholemeal flour, organic spelt or gluten free flour
  • 175 ml (6fl oz) barley malt
  • 175 ml (6fl oz) organic sunflower oil

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF. Grease a baking tin or dish 25 x 30cm (10 x 12ins).

Place the dates in a saucepan and cover with water. Simmer until the dates are soft.

Combine the oats and flour in a blender. Add the malt and oil and blend thoroughly. (If you measure out the oil first and then use the same measuring jug for the barley malt, the malt just slips out easily.)

Put three quarters of the oat mixture in the bottom of the greased tin and press it down well with your hands. Spread the dates over the top. Spread the remaining oat mixture on top of the dates. Bake for 40 minutes or until brown.