Archive for October, 2007

Nutritional spotlight: celery

Monday, October 1st, 2007

In Chinese Traditional Medicine, celery is used as a cure for hypertension. It is now known that celery contains phytochemical compounds called phthalides, which not only give it its flavour but have also been shown to lower blood pressure. In lab tests, when animals were injected with 3-n-butylphthalide (3nB) extracts from celery, their blood pressure fell by 12-14%.

Studies in vitro and in animals have also shown that 3nB can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the formation of the arterial plaques which can result in cardiovascular disease. In animal studies, 3nB has also been found to help prevent …

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Quick Tip: Take regular breaks

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Office workers have a higher risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots, say the Medical research Institute in New Zealand. So nip to the loo or get a drink of water every half an hour or so and always leave your desk to have lunch.

Menopause: reducing your risk of heart disease

Monday, October 1st, 2007

More than half of all women over 50 will die from heart disease. In the past decade, more research has been done in order to find out why so many women in this age group are suffering from the disease and it appears that the menopause is one of the foremost indicators in causing heart disease.

Oestrogen, the female sex hormone, governs your cycle of ovulation and menstruation. However, it also seems to fulfil other purposes in your body. Oestrogen works to protect your heart during your childbearing years by controlling the amount of fat, called lipids, in your body. Lipids make up the cholesterol in your bloodstream and oestrogen helps to combat the build up of unhealthy cholesterol.

Cholesterol consists of two components …

To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here