Archive for the ‘General Health’ Category

Quick Tip: Staying Healthy

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Pineapple helps recover from bruises fasterPeople who bruise easily could try eating more pineapple. It’s rich in an enzyme called bromelain which is used to lessen swelling after an injury.

Only a ripe pineapple can produce bromelain so look for one with a fresh tropical smell. But don’t eat more than half a day as too much can cause stomach upsets. (Bromelain is also available in supplement form).

People don’t understand food labels

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

In The News: People don't understand food labelsMany people don’t have the reading and maths skills to correctly interpret the nutrition labels on food packages, a new study finds.

The researchers involved in the study believe people need to be better educated about how to read food labels, but labels also need to be redesigned to deliver the information in a way that is easier to understand, the researchers said. The report was published in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Walking may not be enough to get health benefits

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

In The News: Walking may not be enough to get health benefitsWalking is a popular form of exercise, but may not be enough to experience significant health benefits, a University of Alberta study shows.

According to the study presented recently at the American College of Sports Medicine annual conference low-intensity activity such as walking alone is not likely going to give anybody marked health benefits compared to programmes that occasionally elevate the intensity.