Archive for the ‘Healthy Living’ Category

Natural Perfume

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Most traditional perfumes are created in a lab, using synthetic oils that replicate natural, botanical scents. A fragrance may be made up of dozens, sometimes over a hundred different chemicals – and according to a National Academy of Sciences study from a couple of decades ago; up to 95% of these fragrance chemicals are petrochemicals – derived from crude oil. Do you really want to apply that to your skin to be absorbed into your body?

In addition, unlike many synthetic scents, natural perfumes have no phthalates, compounds derived from alcohol that makes scents last longer but have also been linked to hormonal imbalance and reproductive disorders …

To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here

The Safe Use of Cookware

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Pots, pans and other cookware are made from a variety of materials. These materials can enter the food that we cook in them. Most of the time, this is harmless. However, care should be taken with some materials. Most cookware is safe to use for daily meal preparation, as long as you maintain it well and use it as intended. However, there are potential risks in some cookware materials that you should be aware of:

To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here

Quick Tip: Take regular breaks

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Office workers have a higher risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots, say the Medical research Institute in New Zealand. So nip to the loo or get a drink of water every half an hour or so and always leave your desk to have lunch.