Archive for the ‘Letters from Marilyn’ Category

Letter from Marilyn – April 2007

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

MarilynDear Reader,

We are now coming into a wonderful part of the year with lighter days and warmer weather and time also to think about having a spring clean with our diet and lifestyle as well.

Many women know that their diet needs an overhaul but don’t know where to start. Making small changes each day can make huge differences in how you feel physically and mentally. The article in this edition of Natural News on increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is important (How to make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables) and can be such an easy thing to incorporate in your life and that of your family.

You are not only adding in more vital vitamins and minerals but also making your diet more alkaline which is known to be helpful for the prevention of osteoporosis as the more acidic the diet, the more calcium is leached from the bones. Studies in test tubes have shown that cancer cells grow faster in an acidic solution but this has not yet been confirmed in studies on humans. But having more fruit and vegetables will increase your antioxidant levels which are known to help prevent DNA damage.

With the warmer weather, try and get out in the sun as new research has shown that having good levels of vitamin D can have a remarkable effect on prevention of cancer. It has been known for many years that vitamin D is important for bone health as it is needed for the absorption of calcium. Now the research has gone further, as it has been suggested that vitamin D could halve the risk of developing cancer and a study in the American Journal of Public Health in 2006 stated that ‘vitamin D supplementation could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost, with few or no adverse effects’. So make sure you get some exposure to the sun without sunscreen and look at your cosmetics as nowadays moisturisers and make up can have in-built sun protection factors which will interfere with the production of vitamin D.

Hope you enjoy this issue of Natural News.

Kind regards,

Marilyn's Signature

Marilyn Glenville PhD

Letter from Marilyn – March 2007

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Marilyn Glenville PhDDear Reader,

It has been exciting reading your comments and feedback and I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the information and nutrition news.

Do let me know if you have any burning questions on nutrition or your health and especially if you read something in the news that seems to contradict the previous advice that the scientists have published. This is always frustrating and can leave people confused as to what to eat or drink particularly when even the researchers can’t agree amongst themselves.

If you have a favourite recipe that you think other women would enjoy, then do send it in, of course you will be mentioned, and I will do the Spotlight on one of the ingredients.

I wanted to publish Natural News because it means you can get nutrition and health information every month and also to highlight what is the latest research and news. Books are wonderful but by the time I do the research, then the writing, then the manuscript goes to the publisher and gets printed we are talking between one and two years before it gets published. So research and information which can be really exciting can take so long to get to reach the people who need to hear about it.

In December 2006, I had an article published in Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynaecology called ‘Nutritional Supplements in Pregnancy — commercial push or evidence based?’ and the article shows that taking certain vitamins, minerals and fatty acids in pregnancy can have a staggering effect on the health of  the mother and baby including prevention of pre-eclampsia, miscarriage, preterm birth, low birthweight, gestational diabetes, cleft palate and lip, post-natal depression and the long term health of the baby including intellectual development. But unfortunately, information like this can sometimes end up stuck in the academic world and not get to the women who need to know. Natural News is a way of remedying that.

Kind regards,

Marilyn Glenville PhD

Marilyn Glenville PhD

Letter from Marilyn – February 2007

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Marilyn Glenville PhDDear Reader,

It was wonderful to get so much positive feedback from the sample issue of Natural News for Women and I am really pleased that you found it enjoyable and informative. One woman emailed to say that she had enjoyed it so much she had passed it on to her daughter and wanted to order another copy for herself!

I received over one thousand suggestions for topics to be included and have decided that each issue will contain articles relevant to the menopause, fertility, weight, diet and supplements.

Also coming up will be articles on all your other suggestions including breast health, thyroid function, digestive problems, children’s health and diet, liver function, cancer, immune boosting, healthy toiletries and cosmetics and much more.

This is very much your Natural News so do send in your letters to go on a Letters page. Any humorous stories or cartoons that you see are welcomed, as it is important to have a lighter side to life too.

Over time there will also a ‘What Works’ section for you to send in your success stories on topics that you think will interest other women and books that you have found valuable.

I am very excited about Natural News and being able to share with you nutritional and health information that can make such a difference in your life and those around you.

Kind regards,
Marilyn Glenville PhD

Marilyn Glenville PhD

P.S. Special thanks this month to Kerry Ingham for her original cartoons (