Dietary advice for future dads

Future dads need foods rich in vitamin CSince infertility is as much a man’s issue as a woman’s — up to 30 per cent of fertility problems can be traced to men — if you are trying for a child it is equally important for your partner to eat healthfully. Your partner’s diet should be every bit as balanced, varied, and nutritious as yours, so here is some specific advice for future dads. He should:

  • Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants. These nutrients help prevent sperm defects and boost its motility (movement).
  • Get enough zinc. Several studies show that even short-term zinc deficiencies can reduce semen volume and testosterone levels.
  • Fuel up on folic acid. Studies suggest that men with low levels of this key B vitamin — the same one women need to reduce the baby’s risk for neural tube birth defects like spina bifida — have lower sperm counts.
  • Boost calcium and vitamin D. Consuming 1,000 mg of calcium and 400 IU (10 micrograms) of vitamin D each day may improve a man’s fertility, according to research from University of Wisconsin at Madison.
  • Cut down on alcohol. While an occasional drink is generally considered safe, studies show that daily wine, beer, or spirit consumption can reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts and raise the number of abnormal sperm. So if you are struggling to conceive it is better for the man to eliminate alcohol altogether. It’s also a good idea to limit caffeine intake to no more than two cups a day. Smoking, of course, is a complete no no, as it can impair fertility in both men and women.

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