In the News: calcium – the key to staying slim after 50

In the News: calcium helps you lose weight after 50For years, women around the menopause have been told to take calcium and vitamin D tablets to protect their bones. But researchers believe there could be another incentive – staying slim.

Women over 50 who regularly take calcium and vitamin D supplements are less likely to gain weight than those who do not, according to a study. Researchers found that those who were deficient in calcium and vitamin D got the greatest benefits. The finding comes from a seven-year study of more than 36,000 U.S. women aged 50 to 79 enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative Study. Half the women took 1,000mg of calcium and 400 ius of vitamin D every day; the other half took placebo pills.

After the menopause, women tend to gain weight especially around the middle. The results of the study showed that calcium and vitamin D supplements slowed the weight gain — particularly among women who weren’t getting enough calcium to begin with. The important thing about this study is that by taking extra calcium and vitamin D you are not only protecting your bones but can easily prevent some of that weight gain after menopause.

Calcium seems to reduce fat absorption and increase leptin, the substance that curbs appetite. Older women are encouraged to take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis, so this research suggests there may be a double benefit. In addition, we’ve seen recent reports that vitamin D may play a part in preventing breast cancer and other disorders. Most good ‘bone’ supplements will contain both calcium and vitamin D so you do not have to take separate supplements of the two nutrients.

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