The True Power of Good Nutrition – February 2008

This month’s case study is ‘Hannah’ who came to the Clinic with low libido:


At the age of 37 and after having my two children, I noticed a real dip in my libido, which was quite upsetting because it had never been a problem for me. Not only was it affecting me, it was having a negative impact on my relationship with my husband. I think it was an accumulation of no longer feeling ‘sexy’ and just physically too tired to make the effort. I had also been aware of feeling slightly drier which then made intercourse quite uncomfortable. I had a hectic life running around after a 2 and 4 year old, plus working part time, so by the evening when my husband was ‘in the mood’, I was ready for sleep. Talking to fellow mothers, it did seem a trend, but I knew that it was not what I wanted for myself because my husband and I had always had such a loving, fulfilling relationship. 


To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here

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