Archive for the ‘Quick Tips’ Category

Quick Tip: Get in the pink

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Try pink grapefruit for breakfast. It packs 25 times more beta-carotene than its paler cousin, and it’s usually sweeter.

Pair it with a cup of porridge topped with an ounce of chopped almonds or a quarter cup of dried apricots (not containing sulphur dioxide), and you’ll have a complete breakfast with about 7 grams of fibre, a third of the daily recommendation.

Quick Tip: Avoid that afternoon slump

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Eating between meals can keep your energy up and your weight down — if you choose snacks that combine carbohydrates with protein for a pick-me-up that lasts. Try these: carrots and hummus, apple slices and peanut butter, or nuts and raisins.

Quick Tip: Think twice!

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Don’t stop for a cappuccino just because you went to the gym.

People tend to overestimate the amount of calories they burn during physical activity and underestimate the calories in most foods! It can take 45 minutes to burn off a cappuccino and will undo all the good you did in the gym.