January 1st, 2008
After the excesses of Christmas how many of us make a resolution to lose weight and cut down on junk food, sugar, salt, coffee and chocolate in the New Year? You may be feeling very proud of yourself because you have already cleaned out your cupboards, refrigerator and larder and restocked them with fresh, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables and replaced refined grains with whole grains and swapped animal products like red meat for oily fish, legumes and organic eggs.
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Posted in Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Weight Loss | Comments Off on Hunger breakthrough: How to beat cravings and lose weight for good
January 1st, 2008
What are bones made of? Like all tissues, they contain protein. They are rich in minerals, not just calcium, but also potassium, manganese, magnesium, silica, iron, zinc, selenium, boron, phosphorus, sulphur, chromium, and dozens of others. And in order to use those minerals, vitamin D must be present and your diet must also contain high-quality fats.
To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here
Posted in Cancer, Healthy Ageing, Menopause, Osteoporosis | Comments Off on Is your diet giving your bones what they need?
January 1st, 2008
Many of us will have spent the last few weeks enjoying well-deserved Christmas festivities and probably feeling the consequences by now. Perhaps your clothes feel a little tighter? Perhaps getting up in the morning is just that bit harder or perhaps you feel tired and sluggish during the day and are struggling with spot breakouts?
To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here
Posted in Detox, Toxins | Comments Off on How to repair the festive damage: Clearing out those toxins