Archive for the ‘Nutrition & Healthy Eating’ Category

The True Power of Good Nutrition – February 2008

Friday, February 1st, 2008

This month’s case study is ‘Hannah’ who came to the Clinic with low libido:


At the age of 37 and after having my two children, I noticed a real dip in my libido, which was quite upsetting because it had never been a problem for me. Not only was it affecting me, it was having a negative impact on my relationship with my husband. I think it was an accumulation of no longer feeling ‘sexy’ and just physically too tired to make the effort. I had also been aware of feeling slightly drier which then made intercourse quite uncomfortable. I had a hectic life running around after a 2 and 4 year old, plus working part time, so by the evening when my husband was ‘in the mood’, I was ready for sleep. Talking to fellow mothers, it did seem a trend, but I knew that it was not what I wanted for myself because my husband and I had always had such a loving, fulfilling relationship. 


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Probiotics in a pot: The low down on yogurt

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Yogurt is a valuable source of protein, vitamins and minerals.  Yogurt is also more readily digested than unfermented milk products and can be useful for people with lactose intolerance.  During the production of milk to make yogurt and cheese the fermentation process produces enzymes that breakdown lactose.  So yogurt and cheese do not contain the milk sugar lactose. 


To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here

Hunger breakthrough: How to beat cravings and lose weight for good

Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

After the excesses of Christmas how many of us make a resolution to lose weight and cut down on junk food, sugar, salt, coffee and chocolate in the New Year? You may be feeling very proud of yourself because you have already cleaned out your cupboards, refrigerator and larder and restocked them with fresh, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables and replaced refined grains with whole grains and swapped animal products like red meat for oily fish, legumes and organic eggs. 


To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here