Archive for the ‘Nutrition & Healthy Eating’ Category

Eating for Immunity

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

You are most likely familiar with the phrase ‘You are what you eat,’ and nowhere is this more true than with regard to protecting your body’s immune defences this winter season. When you eat healthily and consistently you give your body the basic building blocks it needs for renewal, repair and defence against illness.


Food is used to make every part of your immune system, so its strength will depend on the quality of your food. If you’re eating a healthy diet you’ll already be eating foods packed with these immune boosting nutrients but to make sure you really are eating for immunity here are the key nutrients which help to build immunity and protect you against disease and allergies.


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What you should and should not be eating at 40 +

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

As we grow older our nutritional needs change as our lifestyles do. The core principles of a healthy, balanced diet remain the same at 25 or 65, but we do need specific nutrients as we go through different life stages.

  • 40 and over: At this time of life many people still take their good health for granted, and healthy eating and exercise are often put on the back burner. But as we grow older…

To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here

Fat proof festive eating: how to keep the weight off this Christmas and have your healthiest New Year ever!

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

The Christmas/New Year celebrations are here once again. The pressure to indulge in family feasts, cooked breakfasts and festive drinking is immense. If you’re not sure how you are going to make it through the festive season without stuffing yourself silly read through the following steps to help you survive the Christmas calorie attack.

You’ll see that you can still enjoy all the goodies of the season, interleaved with some sensible eating, and not put on a stone and spend the next three months regretting everything. So start your celebrations here, with 12 healthy eating tips for the Christmas season…

To read the rest of this article and for more information on ‘Natural News for Women’ please click here